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Agricultural machinery

Fuel consumption monitoring

Fuel tank monitoring

Fuel theft prevention

Machine running time tracking

Remote engine diagnostics

Agricultural machinery telematics by Siliconfusion is an integral telematics solution for fuel monitoring, monitoring of operating parameters, GPS tracking and running time tracking of tractors, harvesters and other agricultural vehicles, that are widely used in agroindustrial complex and agricultural enterprises.

Fuel monitoring of agricultural machinery provides opportunities of detecting fuel over consumption, normalizing fuel consumption quotas for each operation, monitoring fuel tank fill-up and draining volumes and preventing fuel theft, which happens due to adopted excessive fuel consumption quotas or violations of operating procedures.

Operation parameters monitoring of tractors and harvesters allows fleet manager to monitor compliance of operating procedures, check operation of auxiliary and attached equipment, keep an eye on operation modes of machinery (engine RPM, instant fuel consumption, temperature of cooling fluid, oil pressure).

Machine running time tracking helps to adjust time quotas for certain works, precisely record real engine operation hours, also allows introducing employee compensation system based on actual working hours.

GPS tracking of tractors and harvesters provides information on location and route of vehicles, movement direction and route and enables detection of machinery misuse and inappropriate usage for private purposes.

Effects of implementing agricultural machinery monitoring system

  • Lowering fuel and lubricants costs: fuel consumption optimization (detection of excessive consumption), diesel fuel theft prevention (fuel tank siphoning and theft from engine return line, underfilling fuel in a tank)
  • Reduction of maintenance costs: remote malfunction diagnostics, breakdown prevention, prediction of maintenance date taking into account real operating conditions of the equipment
  • Increase fleet performance: reduction of excessive downtime, prevention of inappropriate usage, strengthening labor discipline.

Depending on the current situation in a fleet, telematics system can reduce total fleet expenses for fuel by up to 30% and decrease repair and maintenance costs by up to 20%.

Agricultural machinery telematics hardware

Tractor telematics system is based on DFM fuel flow meter, DUT-E fuel level sensor, Crocodile contactless reader, CAN bus tools and CANUp telematics gateway.

DFM fuel flow meter is installed directly in a fuel line of engine and provides high accuracy of fuel consumption data even in difficult machinery operation conditions: rough terrain, fuel “bounces” inside a tank, mixed engine operating cycles.

DUT-E fuel level sensor is easily mounted and allows highly accurate fuel volume measurement no matter what fuel tank design is. Fuel tanks of agricultural machinery have a complex shape with “pockets”, ledges, steps.

Crocodile contactless reader gathers data from CAN bus with various parameters of vehicle operation: engine operating time, fuel volume & consumption, etc. Data reading occurs without electrical connection and without damaging CAN wires.

Digital-to-analog converter MasterCAN DAC is a smart tool for converting digital data and analogue output signals in telematics systems, where analogue on-board equipment is used along with digital CAN/S6 equipment. Data converting is realized simultaneously in both directions.

MasterCAN Display 35 is mounted it the driver’s cabin and provides the possibility of visual monitoring 3500+ operating parameters.

CANUp telematics gateway receives data from monitoring devices – fuel level sensors, fuel flow meters, contactless readers, CAN bus tools and sends it to online web-based telematics service.


Fuel level sensor

Fuel flow meter

Contactless CAN j1939 reader CANCrocodile

Edge computing telematics gateway

J1939 i/o module MasterCAN DAC

CAN j1939 Display

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