Managing mining and construction machinery both movable and stationery is a complex task. If managed improperly, it can lead to huge expenditures. The benefits of Siliconfusion solutions include protecting your equipment from misuse, theft, reducing fuel expenses, and enhancing safety. This means you will have full control of your assets, workers, fleet, and resources

Mining is a highly specific industry relying greatly on large equipment for its operations. Despite being rather distinctive and dealing with the issues that other industries do not have to, mining companies can manage their daily activities seamlessly thanks to technology. Our GPS tracking devices will help meet the challenges that the mining industry is facing today and, at the same time, will prevent unwanted expenses and complications.
From tractors and harvesters to sprayers and mowers, there is a wide array of equipment used in farming. Agricultural machinery is complex by itself bringing a number of matters to consider for its managers – productivity levels, safety of operation, and fuel expenditure, to name just a few. Timely vehicle maintenance is one of them too and, luckily, GPS devices come to assistance to facilitate this task.

Automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, scooters, and other vehicular theft is one of the world’s biggest concerns and the fastest growing crimes in many countries around the world. This poses a great challenge for car rental agencies, corporate carsharing agencies, businesses, state organizations, and private car owners.