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Cleaning is a labor intensive, and it is often characterized with time consuming distances between cleaning areas and unpredictable need for supplies and maintenance.

Optimizing processes and improving operating efficiency are constant challenges for any facility management team.

Siliconfusion DISTANCE is a wireless IoT sensor for measuring container fill rates.

It is simply attached to a paper or towel dispenser and it will report the fill rates and send out notification when the dispensers need to be refilled.


Like all Siliconfusion sensors, Siliconfusion DISTANCE is easy to install and use, and

it’s all done in a few seconds! Sensors are preconfigured to customer parameters already at the factory, hence no on-site configuration is needed. Everything works out of box! The sensor has years of battery life, which means that it requires very little maintenance once it has been installed.

Siliconfusion DISTANCE is being used widely in public washrooms at airports, shopping malls and offices. This means happy customers as the bathrooms always have enough supplies. In addition, the cleaning staff save steps and time when they don’t have to do unnecessary checks. On the long run, the fill rate data will help with inventory and stocking as well, making facility management easy and smart.

Fill rate monitoring

Monitoring fill rates remotely helps you reduce workload while saving money and time.


Creating better managed inventories

Sensor-based fill rate monitoring offers you real-time information for better and more efficient inventory management. Getting insights on what products are running out and when also allows you to plan for peak seasons.

Management and Analysis of Cleaning Services

A tracking system allows determining whether a cleaning contractor’s performance meets the client’s expectations and requirements.

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