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Online onboard scaling solution

For many types of trucks, knowing the loaded weight is important for operating safely and maximizing payload whilst avoiding fines for overloading. According to the complexity of in motion load weight calculation, our approach is more stable, inexpensive & good precision than other methods. In this solution, load weight calculated based on monitoring truck suspension changes with a matched sensor by vehicle suspension type mechanism. Then these data received by tracker device and send for server after combined with location and other truck status data.

Online onboard scaling for Leaf spring suspension

In order to monitor load variations in these vehicles, a mechanism is installed on the vehicle to convert the elevation changes into angular variations and calculate the load weight based on calibration data.

Online onboard scaling for air spring suspension

Trailer trucks are usually equipped with this type of suspension system. We are using air pressure sensors to monitor load variations in these suspension, sensor output data is sent to the analog input of the tracking device. This information combined with location and other vehicle status are transmitted to central software and the load weight is calculated based on calibration data.

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