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Delivery service is a business where efficiency is everything. Customers expect their goods to be delivered on time and meeting these expectations is a must if the company wants to make a solid profit. Anything that causes delays should be minimized or eliminated.


From tractors and harvesters to sprayers and mowers, there is a wide array of equipment used in farming. Agricultural machinery is complex by itself bringing a number of matters to consider for its managers – productivity levels, safety of operation, and fuel expenditure, to name just a few. Timely vehicle maintenance is one of them too and, luckily, GPS devices come to assistance to facilitate this task.


Automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, scooters, and other vehicular theft is one of the world’s biggest concerns and the fastest growing crimes in many countries around the world. This poses a great challenge for car rental agencies, corporate carsharing agencies, businesses, state organizations, and private car owners.


There is a growing trend of car-sharing services offered and used by private individuals, companies, and public institutions alike. These client groups, even though different, all seek comfortable and efficient use of vehicles. Reasons to use such services include fleet optimization, convenience, a sudden need for vehicles, business trips, trips abroad, etc.


Good and Cargo deliveries are time bound, therefore, on time safe delivery of goods establish trust between the courier companies and the clients which intent expand their clienteles and maximise their profit in the business. Route optimization can reduce fuel expenses up to 30% or more, while driver identification and behavior monitoring will ensure high delivery standards and traceability whenever any complaints need to be investigated.


Growing world population and development of new technologies contribute to the growth in the use of transport – more transportation is needed to carry people and goods, businesses like car-sharing services, food delivery platforms, and e-commerce emerge and expand. Meanwhile, driving style is one of the factors directly influencing fuel consumption and vehicle life.


A global pandemic has changed consumer behaviour causing substantial online sales and door-to-door delivery services boost worldwide. Unfortunately, this shift has led to a rapid rise in package and delivery vans thefts too spreading like a wildfire country by country. To resolve this issue, here at Siliconfusion Telematics we have developed a highly effective solution dedicated to delivery service companies and relevant fleet


Delivery service is a business where efficiency is everything. Customers expect their goods to be delivered in time and meeting these expectations is a must if the company wants to make a solid profit. Anything what causes delays should be minimized or eliminated. Facilitated by GPS devices, timely vehicle maintenance can greatly reduce the number of irregularities and, thus, help the business grow.

Public safety and security are paramount and to a large extent rests on the efficiency of security agencies. Meanwhile, speed, coordination of actions, and reliability of information are the key factors that ensure our security officers are performing their assigned duties properly. In most cases, time is very valuable and our security agencies have to be at the needed location as fast as possible to prevent theft or other crimes that can lead to even more tragic consequences

Vehicle theft is one of the world’s fastest growing crimes as thieves turn to using highly advanced equipment, e.g. jammers. By jamming GPS signals, the criminals aim to interfere and inhibit the performance of a tracking device – its ability to monitor and gather important information.

The chunk of insurance pay-out and claims are used to settle car accidents and thefts. There are at least 7-8 million cases of stolen vehicles around the world every year and this number keeps growing. Figures in traffic accident statistics are even greater.

Drivers or fleet managers  will confirm that filling manual logbook  is not an easy task, as the process is  tedious and time-consuming, aside with all the hard, the process is also prone to errors and manipulation of figures,  if you find yourself in such position, well, we have a good solutions for you. Thanks to Our GPS trackers, you can automate the entire process by using an accurate and reliable GPS electronic logbook.

One of the more advanced features of GPS trackers is the ability to create Geofence scenarios in a real-time with triggered alerts. Geofences are designated areas or zones that can be defined on a map or as a distance from the specific location.

Vehicle theft, inappropriate use, diversion of transit goods, etc are major concerns of the fleet managers, private and public transportation businesses.GPS trackers provide valuable data for business efficiency and secure vehicles against, in appropriate usage and thefts.

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